The Concept of Crisis in American Culture
American Studies Student Conference
Friday, May 21, 2021
online at:
(Meeting ID: 834 1967 7084, Passcode: 505841)
9:00-9:30 Opening of the Conference (Chair: Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru, Conference Organizer, University of Bucharest)
Octavian Roske (Assoc. Prof., Head of the English Department, University of Bucharest)
Mircea Dumitru (Executive Director, Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission)
William O’Connor (Cultural Affairs Officer, United States Embassy, Bucharest)
9:30-10:15 A Conversation with William O’Connor (Cultural Affairs Officer, United States Embassy, Bucharest) on the Concept of Crisis in American Culture (Chair: Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru, Conference Organizer, University of Bucharest)
10:15-12:15 Panel 1: Crises in the Media, Old and New. Chair: Dana Mihăilescu (University of Bucharest
- Alexandra-Petruta Borjog (American Studies BA student, University of Bucharest), “The Apocalypse and the Indian: Two Video Games”
- Flavia Ciontu (PhD candidate, University of Paris 8), “Identities in Crisis: Coming of Age as an Immigrant in Little Odessa (1994)and An American Rhapsody (2001)”
- Mihaela-Adriana Tone (English BA student, University of Bucharest), “Gilead’s Color Blindness: Contradictory Representations of Diversity in Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale”
- Elena-Patricia Cătănoiu (American Studies BA student, University of Bucharest), “Reimagining African American Identity in Afrofuturist Film: Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther (2018)”
- Sânziana-Miruna Popa (American Studies MA student, University of Bucharest), “Portrayals of the African American Community in The Birth of a Nation (2016)”
- Tudor Constantin Truță (English BA student, University of Bucharest), “Beyond the Humanity of Cyberpunk”
12:15-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-14:40 Panel 2: Theorizing on Crises in Society/ Politics/ History. Chair: Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru (University of Bucharest)
- Anca Georgiana Dugaiasu (American Studies BA, “Ovidius” University of Constanța), “The Crisis of Residential Segregation: Disproportionate Opportunity Gaps in The U.S.”
- Sean Muller (Anthropology MA, The New School for Social Research, New York), “Hyperreality, Identity, and the Crisis of Presence: An Anthropology of Impotent Revolution”
- Remo Verdickt (PhD candidate, University of Leuven), “Frost/Baldwin: Go Tell It in the White House”
- Maria-Alexandra Netbai (American Studies BA, University of Bucharest), “Translating the ‘Forgotten War’: Don Mee Choi’s Poems Rediscovering the Past of Korean-American Relations”
- Ștefan Capmare (Letters BA student, University of Bucharest), “The Simulation Hypothesis and the Crisis of Reality”
14:40-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-17:00 Panel 3: Writing, Identity and the World. Chair: Diana Benea (University of Bucharest)
- Andreea G. Moise (English BA, University of Bucharest), “‘A Soul in Physical Stress’: The Feminised Queer Body in Nightwood”
- Carina Iulia Chereji (Literary Studies MA, University of Bucharest), “‘And so it goes’: A Close Encounter with Crisis in Kurt Vonnegut’s Fiction”
- Teodora Florea (Letters BA, University of Bucharest), “From Signs on the Bathroom Wall to the Storming of the Capitol: American Paranoia as a Crisis of Interpretation”
- Ionelia Sandu (Anglo-American Studies MA student, “Ovidius” University of Constanța), “The Concept of Identity in Sandra Cisneros’sThe House on Mango Street”
- Raluca-Rebeca Rădulescu (British Cultural Studies MA, University of Bucharest), “The Crisis of Hyphenated Identity in America: Tensions between Language, Identity, and Integration in Yiyun Li’s To Speak is to Blunder”
- Garima Singh (English BA, DIT University, Dehradun, India), “The Perks of Being a Wallflower: Revelation of Cultural Crises”
17:00-17:30 Break / Jury Deliberation
17:30-18:00 “Dan Grigorescu” prize award ceremony. Closing remarks.
Dana Bădulescu, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași
Ludmila Martanovschi, “Ovidius” University of Constanța
Karina Pătrășcanu, University of Bucharest
The American Studies Program at the University of Bucharest
The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission
The organizers thank the U.S.
Embassy for their support.
Program Graphics:
Laura Rusu