“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
– Malcolm X
For Undergraduate Students (BA)
- 50 Students Total
- 15 Subsidized
The American Studies Program is the only cultural studies undergraduate program in the country that includes a specialization in a second foreign language, literature, and culture. Every year, our freshmen can opt for one of the secondary languages approved as complementary disciplines for the respective BA (French/ German / Dutch / Italian / Portuguese / Spanish / Catalan / Korean / Persian / Hindi / Russian / Latin / Romanian).
We offer you a diverse and appealing interdisciplinary program, organized around three modules: core disciplines (English as a Second Language, American Literature and Culture), specialized disciplines focused on the study of the U.S. (i.e. History, Film and Visual Arts, Native American Culture, or Popular Culture, for example) and complementary disciplines (the language and literature of the chosen cultural space– different from the American one).
The core disciplines that make up the American Studies Undergraduate program at the University of Bucharest include U.S. media and visual culture, history, political science, ethnic and cultural studies, and economics. The students enrolled in our classes will gain:
- professional knowledge and interdisciplinary, comparative training in U.S. history, politics, culture, business and economics, arts, film and humanities, with an emphasis on American – European relations.
- possibility to work as teachers, journalists, editors, translators, librarians, as well as in the spheres of book publishing, NGOs, cultural foundations, diplomatic missions. They will gain the ability to tackle practical tasks within today’s globalized, transnational world, or to do research and continue their education in our MA program.
Advantages for students from around the world enrolling in our BA program in American Studies:
- Since this is an interdisciplinary program, it follows that our students will be studying a lot of exciting interrelated disciplines, such as, to name but a few, American film studies, American politics, media studies, visual culture, ethnic studies, memory studies.
- Our students will be exposed to a variety of cultural events and will have the opportunity of internships with a variety of institutions in Romanian society, as well as encounter their earliest publishing opportunities.
Language of instruction: English
Academic calendar: The BA in American Studies is a three-year, six-term program. Courses start on October 1st, and end in the last week of June (for first year students), and in the last week of May (for third year students).
For Graduate Students (MA)
- 30 Students Total
- 14 Subsidized
The MA Program in American Studies at the University of Bucharest offers an inter- and multi-disciplinary study of U.S. culture and society in a comparative and transnational perspective, emphasizing European/Romanian—U.S. relations in the context of globalization and being based on three directions of study: Culture and Values, History and Politics, Society and Communication.
The program benefits from the expertise of scholars and faculty who have carried out research or specializations in the United States and who are based in a range of Faculties (Foreign Languages and Literatures, The University of Economic Sciences, Political Science).
The core disciplines that make up the American Studies Master’s program at the University of Bucharest include U.S. media and visual culture, history, political science, ethnic and cultural studies, and economics. The students enrolled in our classes will gain:
- professional skills and cultural background that will enable them to work in education and research, in mass-media and in areas of social, political, cultural or economic relations with the U.S.
- they will be able to further develop their professional skills as teachers, journalists, editors, translators, librarians, as well as in the spheres of book publishing, NGOs, cultural foundations, diplomatic missions. They will gain the ability to tackle practical tasks within today’s globalized, transnational world, or to do research and continue their education in a PhD program.
Advantages for students from around the world enrolling in our MA program in American Studies:
- Through studying all these disciplines more in depth, our students will be in conversation with an interdisciplinary approach that meets the needs of future leaders. They will also have opportunities to distinguish themselves as young researchers through participating in conferences and publishing.
- Because we get a lot of help from the American Cultural Center at the U.S. Embassy and the Fulbright Commission, who love being involved in our academic life and do everything they can to support us, we are a leading program in Romania offering students up-to-date academic resources from the States as well as the best internships on the market.
Language of instruction: English
Academic calendar: The MA in American Studies is a two-year, four-term program. Courses start on October 1st, and end in the last week of June (for first year students), and in the last week of May (for second year students).
Admission requirements: Candidates can be graduates of any higher education profile. They must, however, demonstrate their proficiency in English at the interview.