9 to 12 March 2020 will mark the American Culture Week at the University of Bucharest. Info about the events and the student conference program on 10 and 11 March can be found below. All welcome!
Monday, March 9, Council Hall (7-13 Pitar Moş St.)
• 14:00-14:15: Opening Ceremony with the participation of Prof. Sorin Costreie (Vice-Rector, University of Bucharest), Scott A. Reese (Acting Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy in Romania), and Prof. Octavian Roske (Head of the English Department, University of Bucharest).
• 14:15-15:30: U.S. Presidential Elections, guest lecture by Scott A.
Reese, Acting Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy in Romania, U.S. Embassy in Romania.
Tuesday, March 10, Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission (2 Ing.
Nicolae Costinescu St., Bucharest)
• 9:00-19:00: American Studies Student Conference: Exploring Other Worlds: The United States and Its Others. Organizers: The Center for American Studies at the University of Bucharest and the Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission.
Wednesday, March 11, Council Hall (7-13 Pitar Moş St.)
• 10:00-11:30: Presentation of the Fulbright Awards Program and
independent study opportunities in the United States, with the participation of Corina Dănăila, Romanian Program Coordinator, Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission, and Mihaela Doagă, Educational Adviser, Fulbright – Education U.S.A. Advising Center.
• 12:00-14:00: “Where Are the Children?” The Legacy of Residential
Schools in Native North American Literature and Culture. Student
Conference Keynote Speech by Dr. Cristina Stanciu, Virginia
Commonwealth University (Fulbright Scholar, A.I. Cuza University, Iasi).
Thursday, March 12, Council Hall (7-13 Pitar Moş St.)
• 14:00-16:00: Moving Stories: Making Meaning and Sense of Migration. Roundtable organized by Allen Chen, Fulbright E.T.A., University of Bucharest, featuring guests Natsuko, Yujiro, Rithiya, Dayana, Jukyung, Shermayne, and Leo (given names only in order to respect their privacy).